Friday, September 9, 2011

Rosemary's Baby (1968)

Roman Polanski's 1968 horror detailing just how mundane being a devil devoted witch really is, counts as one of NYC's best and most enduring spook flicks.  There is certainly no lack of star power here. with:  Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes (whose real last name is so similar to the surname of the elderly Castevet couple in the film!), Ruth Gordon, Broadway actor Sidney Blackmer, British actor Maurice Evans (famed from Planet of the Apes), Elijah Cook Jr. (well known for his "weeny" role in Kubrick's The Killing), even Ralph Bellamy!

The bulk of the filming took place on location in Manhattan, the most famous of which was The Dakota, which later on would be so well known as the site of the murder of Beatle John Lennon.

One of the things that I always forget when watching this is that it was produced by William Castle Productions.  It just seems so out of place have the ultimate independent, low budget horror prankster produce such a big and serious horror film as this.  I also always seem to forget how short Cassavetes was.  When I remember him in mind, I just recall him as so much taller; it then comes a minor shock how false that memory is--I know idea where it came from.

The other things that I forget is that slightly off-tune creepy lullaby that Mia Farrow hums during the opening credits!

My, my Manhattan looked different in the 1880's!

The Dakota in the 1890's
Creepy photo of the Dakota through trees

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