Friday, September 9, 2011

C.H.U.D. (1984)

Cult classic from the 1980's, this twist on the zombie genre was shot entirely in NYC (except the for soup kitchen, which was located in Jersey City) and populated with a cast almost entirely of New York actors, many of whom were out of work theater people.  

It stars John Heard (is probably best known as Kevin's father in the Home Alone movies) and Kim Greist (who is most certainly recognizable from her role in Terry Gilliam's Brazil opposite Jonathan Pryce); the film is littered with loads of supporting cast from the NYC scene, some well known, some not.  They include:  Daniel Stern (also from Home Alone, etc.), Christopher Curry, Frankie Faison (from the Silence of the Lambs &  Hannibal), Sam McMurray, Ivor Broggar, Jon Polito, and....John Goodman inhabiting the role of "Cop in Diner), as does Jay Thomas.

Overall the film has a very Larry Cohenish feel to it, along with a completely synthezied soundtrack by David A. Hugh's, who is billed as Cooper Hughes.  The soundtrack is very remensicent of the soundtracks that director John Carpenter composes for his own movies.  C.H.U.D.  sorta seems that Cohen's Q rammed into Carpenter's Escape From New York, only subtitute the Aztecs with mutant zombies and the winged monster with toxic waste.

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